Bajo mi piel morena: el universo trans/ travesti de José Campusano. Un revelado de la situación en Argentina



trans/travesti, text/context, concept-image, Argentina.


This essay focuses on the description of the trans/travesti universe in the film Bajo mi piel morena by director José Celestino Campusano, taking as its starting point the reading of texts/contexts as approximations to image-concepts that reveal reality. social, cultural and legal of trans/transvestite people in Argentina. The text/context analysis reveals that: (a) building non-hegemonic genres places cinema on the margins, in resistance, (b) the characters Morena, Claudia and Myriam, played by three trans/transvestite women, have all the hallmarks of Morena Yfrán, Maryanne Lettieri and Emma Serna. Their bodies are products of biotechnological mediations that have made them more pleasurable for themselves, (c) if States do not guarantee the obligation to protect and enforce the human rights of trans people who are victims of discriminatory treatment in work environments (case of Morena), community-educational (case of Claudia) and family (case of Myriam), are undermining the enjoyment of such rights.


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Author Biography

José Alirio Peña Zerpa, Universidad Austral

Venezolano residente en Buenos Aires. Profesor universitario para el nivel secundario y superior (Universidad Austral), Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Magíster scientiarum en Comunicación Social (UCV), Especialista en Gerencia Profesional Corporativa (Preston University), Licenciado en Relaciones Industriales (UCAB). Miembro de la Red Iberoamericana en Narrativas Audiovisuales (Red Inav) y de la Red de Investigadores en Cine Latinoamericano (RICILA). Cofundador de la Red Diversidad en el Cine Latinoamericano y Caribeño (DIVERCILAC), Director y Curador del CINEVERSATIL, Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes sobre Diversidad-Argentina. Curador del FESTIVERD Venezuela. Conduce el programa radial “CINEVERSATIL y más”, desde Buenos Aires para el mundo. E-mail:



How to Cite

Peña Zerpa, J. A. (2023). Bajo mi piel morena: el universo trans/ travesti de José Campusano. Un revelado de la situación en Argentina. Imagofagia, (27), 232–257. Retrieved from
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